Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Once again...

It seems like I'll never get any sleep. For the umpteenth time in the last two weeks I'm up again and not very happy about it. I just wish my body would cooperate and go to sleep. I'm sure it has nothing to do with all the stuff going on in my head. Work has been extra hectic the last few days, even though it's supposed to be slowing down since I don't have so many responsibilities. Yeah right! But the rest of my life is falling into place. I'm getting caught up in the rest of my life, well at least I think so!

Nick and I are celebrating our first anniversary and I can hardly wait! I'm so excited that we are possibly getting out of dodge to relax together all alone! It is exactly what we both need right now.

Well I suppose I better get either back to work or actually try to sleep. We'll see which one wins out in the end!

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