Saturday, November 03, 2007

Happy One Year Anniversary

So Nick and I made it to the one year mark in our house! I don't know whether to celebrate or scream sometimes. It's actually started to be a count down. One more year and we can move again. LOL! I do love this house dearly now, but it wasn't what I wanted at all when we started out. And those things that I didn't love about it then are the same things I don't love about it now. I've started a checklist of things that I really want in a home and hopefully this time Nick and I can actually talk about it rather than taking what we think we can get. It's still a ways off so I'm trying not to think about it a lot yet.

I finally got through the hard part of my job. The Richardson family is now in their new house and we can start making life for the boys normal again. Brady and Bennett have been over here at the house a few times this week since we need to get out of the way and they love it here. I've been so busy trying to wear them out that I've succeeded in wearing myself out as well. And yet I'm up on a Saturday morning at 6:30AM instead of resting in bed. At least writing is relaxing for me. It's not like I'm up trying to do a marathon!

Well I suppose I should go and actually start my day. I hope all is well with everyone out there!

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