Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy "Unofficial" Anniversary Honey

So today is my hubby and my unofficial anniversary. You know the one where we started "going steady". LOL. We have been together 18 years today. Although we were pretty inseparable before that point. I just didn't want to see it. But we were really young, we were in high school, he was a freshman and I was a junior. Yes I am a cradle robber. It was a big deal back then, but obviously not anymore. We have been through high school graduations, college graduations, first real jobs, first real layoffs, family deaths and births. We have had some definite rough patches but I am so thankful for everything we have together. Especially these cute little faces....

I love you dear and am excited to celebrate our real anniversary tomorrow :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

One of those days....

Well I was having a great weekend, got a lot done, actually got to use my machine and then what happens a major snaffoo! LOL! I don't know how I could have missed the major flaw in the fabric I was working with. I was busy finishing Kat's swing coat from Heidi+Finn and loving that I was going to have both girls' coats done - finished Mia's yesterday - and then I turned the coat right side out and found the most disgusting snag in the fabric. In fact there were holes, and this was right next to a seam I had sewn. My only explination was that it was on the bottom side of the fabric I was sewing together cause I would have to have seen this! So now I will be using my seam ripper and cutting out a new piece to replace the one that is yucky!

Even after that, I actually don't think that I feel too bad about it. I have had a lot of thoughts going on in my head and still trying to put it out there in the universe to see what it says. Think I'm going in the right direction and know where to go from here. Just need to get those ducks lined up but they are getting close!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I can hardly wait...

So Monday I was a very lucky lady. I received my brand new sewing machine. It is amazing. 60 stitches, 7 automatic buttonhole stitches, three speeds, automatic reinforcement stitching. This thing is just awesome. So what have I done with it, nothing. There has been no time to sit down. I tried out a few of the fancy decorative stitches on a scrap of fabric but that is about it. I started cutting out Mia's little swing jacket as I want to do both girls coats soon as they will need new spring jackets. And there is the cutest little leafy vine stitch that will just have to be used! I'm so excited. Maybe I'll get a chance this weekend for a little extra sewing.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

On a roll....

Okay, so maybe I should have done it a long time ago. Having my sewing things upstairs has made a world of difference already. I am almost done with another dress for myself and the thoughts just keep going and going. I actually feel like staying up for a little bit and working on things instead of falling right in bed and sleeping forever! This has to be a good sign! And the writing. I can't believe that I have managed to write three days in a row. Not about anything important but I definitely think this is a good thing. As I get things rearranged it seems that I'm getting more creative and a little more in sync with life in general.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Just thinking....

Have you ever had one of those days that you just can't turn off your brain? I am definitely having one of those days. I have visions of little skirts running through my head! I have been busy thinking hard about an original idea for a little girls skirt. I think I have one. Guess what I will be working on and sketching the next few days. I already had something planned for the girls that is similar, but I am definitely thinking more spring like in the very near future. I am ready for little girls in skirts and dresses and bare feet! I miss those days last year. Although I'm hoping that the running this summer is not away from mommy and in opposite directions! :)

I'll post pictures in the near future of what I've been working on and what I have in the future! My pile of to do's is a heaping laundry basket full! I can hardly wait to start!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Right direction, maybe, but definitely a fun turn....

I have been working so super hard at trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I've had a lot of moments lately that have been kind of depressing, in fact I've questioned my life entirely. Well I should phrase that differently. I have questioned my part in my life, not the people around me. I have been truly blessed to have such a wonderful family, hubby, little girls, parents, best friends. On the other hand I keep questioning what my problem is that I never finish what I start. I had a professor once tell me that my problem wasn't being good at something, I was good at too many things (sorry to toot my own horn), the problem was caring enough to actually go through with it. It seems like the only thing that I have truly been good about is my family. And I know it shows. So why don't I do more with the rest of my life? Well I guess that is what I am really going to try to do this year. I didn't make any New Year's resolutions because I have been thinking so hard about everything. I think that this year I am going to try to just stick my neck out there and actually finish something or get some great things started and stick with them! Who knows where I can go from here.